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Player ratings are calculated from real world data and will be updated each season, around every 6 months. They are open source and the community can help to improve (the formula for the calculation of) the ratings.
Rating changes will only reflect in the players wage, once a new contract with the new rating has been signed.
When players retire in real life, they will also retire in Soccerverse. New players will get added once they sign with a club that is not yet featured in Soccerverse. New players will be on the free bench initially once added, not at the club they signed with in real life. Any manager can buy these players via an auction.
The value of a player depends on his rating and, less importantly, on his age. Younger and older players will have a lower value than players with the same rating, who are in their prime.
The wage of a player depends only on his rating. The higher the player's rating, the higher are his wages.
Especially in the beginning of the game and with the first updates, the player ratings COULD be a bit volatile.
As we all know from real world football, statistics do not always precisely show how good or bad a player is. Since the player ratings in Soccerverse are only calculated from statistics without any subjective influence, it could lead to some ratings not being the same as the public perception of certain players. In addition, all player ratings are calculated with the same formula and there isn't a one-size-fits-all formula with over 140,000+ featured players in this game.
As stated above, the Soccerverse team - with the help of the community - will look to constantly fine tune the formula, so that the player ratings get better and close to perfection the longer Soccerverse runs.
Due to the above mentioned reasons, we recommend managers, agents, scouts, traders and influencers to exercise some caution, especially in the early stages of the game, regarding the player ratings and possible rating changes when updates do happen.
Please have some understanding for any imperfections the ratings might have; together with you, the community, we can improve them.