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Leaderboards give you an insight on how you are doing in Soccerverse compared to the other players. There are four different leaderboard categories:
Best Manager
Rich List
Top Referrals
The best manager leaderboard is separated into "Tactitian" and "Veteran". Tactician points are given to managers according to their match results with regard to the opponents strength and the expected match result and show the quality of a manager. The better the team you are winning against, the more points you get, while when losing, the worse your opponent is, the more points you will lose. So, if you lose to a team from a higher division in a national cup game, you will barely lose any points, because you are not expected to beat them. The calculation of points is based on the Elo rating system, which you might know from the game of Chess. The 20 best rated players of each team will be considered when calculating the expected result of a match. The veteran points is how many points you collected in the matches you played as a manager in Soccerverse, where a win = 2 points, draw = 1 point, loss = 0 points. Treat these point with a grain of salt, since the amount of points might not say anything about the quality of the manager. A user who has played Soccerverse for several seasons is expected to have quite some veteran points already compared to a user who just started playing and managing in Soccerverse. On top of this, the strength of your opponents isn't measured in this second category. So if you are managing a top team, you will of course gain more points than someone managing a bottom of the table club. The different number of games in leagues - due to different league sizes - can also give a distorted picture. Some managers have 45 league matches, others only 38. And if a club goes far in the national cup and plays the continental championship, it will have more matches in total than a club that only plays the leagues matches and was knocked out of the national cup early. Keep all this in mind when looking at the veteran points and drawing any conclusions from it.
Click on the headers to sort the table for the two categories.
The Rich List is separated into "Balance" and "Net Worth".
The balance is simply the users SVC balance, including any SVC which is currently locked in open buy orders.
The net worth is the above mentioned SVC balance plus all the club/player influence this user holds, including any influence currently in open orders. The value of the influence is calculated with the last traded price for the respective influence in the influence markets.
Click on the headers to sort the table for the two categories.
The traders leaderboard is separated into "Volume Total" and "Volume 30D".
The "Volume Total" shows the amount of SVC that this user traded in the influence markets all-time. If 10 club influence is bought for 10 SVC each, this creates a volume of 100 SVC.
"Volume 30D" refers to the volume of SVC traded in the last 30 days by this user.
Click on the headers to sort the table for the two categories.
The top referrals leaderboard shows the users who have gotten the most bonus influence for users they have referred and who then went on to buy packs in the shop.
The referrer will get 5% of the primary clubs influence that the user purchased (see the "Referral System" section for more information about this).