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There are two ways to become a manager of a club.
1) The club is currently not managed or the current manager has been inactive for a certain period of time. In this case, go the clubs overview and click the “take over” button. You don’t need any influence for doing so.
2) The club is currently managed. In this case you can’t just take over the club like described above, but instead have to start a vote to change managers. To do so, go the VOTES menu in the club and click on the PROPOSE MANAGER button. You will need at least 20 influence in a club to propose a new manager and it can be yourself or any other user.
The proposal period is 24 hours, where any influencer with 10 or more influence can propose managers. After the 24 hours have elapsed, the voting will start and will last for 3 days. Any influencer can participate in this voting.
If you won the voting, you still have to accept your new position at the club. You can find a button for that in the club overview. When accepting a job offer, you will automatically resign from your current club.
No matter if you got your new job by taking over a club or getting proposed, winning the vote and accepting the job, you will be a LOCKED manager afterwards. Read about what that means and how you can unlock yourself or get unlocked on the next page.