You are not able to release any of your players. At the beginning of the game, some of your lowest rated players will be on one year contracts, which enables you to let these players go after the season has concluded.
If you don't renew the contracts before the season concludes, they will leave your club for free and join the free bench. If you want to keep these players, make sure to renew their contracts in time. Please note that only a maximum of two players can/will leave your club that way, the others will get an automatic contract renewal for one season. Generally speaking it will be the two lowest rated players who leave, unless you would fall below the required number of players per position with it. In these cases, it will be the next lowest rated player.
An exception to this is, when the agent set the "Wishes to renew contract" option to "No". These players will always leave your club at the end of the season, regardless of the scenarios above with the two players maximum rule.
Planning your squad ahead mid- and long-term is quite important without an option to release players, so always keep an eye on your players contracts and how long they still have to run. When you (want to) buy players, check if the contract length meets your plans.
Last updated